“A Guide To Navigating Blackboard Siue”

Navigating Blackboard Siue

Welcome to A Guide To Navigating Blackboard Siue. This guide is designed to help students, faculty, and staff navigate and utilize the features of Blackboard Siue. In this guide you will find information on how to access and use the different tools and features of Blackboard Siue. You will also find helpful tips and instructions on how to navigate and use the system. Please feel free to explore this guide and contact us if you have any questions or need assistance.


Welcome to Blackboard at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville!

We are excited to offer Blackboard to our faculty, staff, and students. Blackboard is a powerful learning management system (LMS) that can be used to supplement or replace traditional face-to-face instruction. Blackboard offers a wide variety of features and tools that can be used to create dynamic and engaging online courses.

This guide is designed to help you get started with Blackboard. In this first section, we will give you an overview of the Blackboard interface and some of the most important features and tools that are available. We will also provide some tips on how to navigate Blackboard effectively.

The Blackboard interface is composed of a series of menus, tabs, and buttons that are located in the header and footer of the screen. The header is the area at the top of the screen that contains the Blackboard logo, the name of the current course, and the user menu. The user menu is where you can access your profile, preferences, and log out of Blackboard.

The footer is the area at the bottom of the screen that contains links to Blackboard help, the Blackboard tour, and the Blackboard community.

The main body of the Blackboard screen is divided into two columns. The left column contains the course menu, which provides access to all of the content and features in your course. The right column contains the content area, which is where you will find most of the course materials, such as lectures, readings, and assignments.

At the top of the course menu, you will see the name of your course and the name of the instructor. Underneath the course name, you will see a series of tabs that allow you to navigate to different areas of the course, such as the course content, the gradebook, and the discussion board.

The course menu is where you will find all of the content and features in your course. To access a particular piece of content or a feature, simply click on the appropriate link in the course menu.

The content area is where you will find most of the course materials, such as lectures, readings, and assignments

What is Blackboard?

Blackboard is a cloud-based learning management system (LMS) that enables educators to create and deliver engaging digital learning experiences. Blackboard provides a central hub for all your course content, activities, and assessments, making it easy for you to manage your course and communicate with your students.

With Blackboard, you can create engaging and interactive course content, deliver assessments and assignments, and track student progress. Blackboard also makes it easy to communicate with your students, with tools for announcements, discussion boards, and messaging.

Blackboard is used by millions of students and educators around the world, and is trusted by leading universities and colleges. If you’re new to Blackboard, or are considering using Blackboard for your courses, check out our guide to navigating Blackboard.

How to use Blackboard?

Assuming you are already logged in to Blackboard, let’s get started! The Blackboard interface can be a little daunting at first, but once you get the hang of it, it’s pretty straightforward. Here are a few tips on how to navigate Blackboard:

The first thing you’ll see when you login to Blackboard is the My Courses widget on the left-hand side of the screen. This widget contains a list of all the courses you are enrolled in. To access a course, simply click on its name.

Once you’re in a course, you’ll see the course menu on the left-hand side of the screen. This menu contains links to all the content and resources for the course. To access a specific piece of content, simply click on the corresponding link.

If you’re ever lost or need help, Blackboard has a built-in help feature. To access it, click on the question mark icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

That’s all there is to it! With these tips, you should be able to navigate Blackboard like a pro.

Tips for using Blackboard

As someone who has never used Blackboard before, the process of learning how to use it can be a bit daunting. Here are four tips to help you get started:

1. Get to know the interface. Blackboard can be a little overwhelming at first, but take some time to familiarize yourself with the interface and you’ll be much better off. The main thing to remember is that your course content is organized into modules, which you can access from the left sidebar.

2. Take advantage of the help resources. Blackboard has a lot of great resources to help you get started, including video tutorials and a user manual. These can be found under the help tab in the left sidebar.

3. Start exploring your courses. Once you’ve familiarized yourself with the interface, it’s time to start exploring your courses. Each course will have its own set of modules, so take some time to explore what’s available.

4. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you’re ever feeling stuck, don’t hesitate to reach out to your instructor or a fellow student for help. Chances are, someone else has been in your shoes before and can help you figure things out.

FAQs about Blackboard

Q: What is Blackboard?

A: Blackboard is a learning management system (LMS) that enables instructors to create and deliver course content online. Blackboard provides a platform for online collaboration, communication, and assessment tools that can be used to supplement or replace traditional face-to-face instruction.

Q: How do I access my Blackboard courses?

A: Blackboard courses are accessible through the Blackboard Learn portal. To login, go to https://learn.siue.edu and enter your SIUE e-ID and password. Once you have logged in, your courses will appear on the My Courses tab.

Q: How do I navigate Blackboard?

A: Blackboard is organized into a series of tabs that appear across the top of the screen. These tabs provide access to the various features and tools available in Blackboard. The most commonly used tabs are:

• My Courses: This is where you will access the courses in which you are enrolled.

• Course Catalog: This is where you can search for and enroll in courses.

• Organizations: This is where you can access student organizations and clubs.

• Community: This is where you can access the Blackboard community forums.

• Help: This is where you can access help and support for Blackboard.

Q: How do I submit assignments in Blackboard?

A: Assignments can be submitted in Blackboard through the Assignment tool. To submit an assignment, go to the My Courses tab and click on the course in which the assignment is located. Then, click on the Assignment tool and locate the assignment you wish to submit. Once you have located the assignment, click on the Submit button.

Q: How do I take tests in Blackboard?

A: Tests can be taken in Blackboard through the Test tool. To take a test, go to the My Courses tab and click on the course in which the test is located. Then, click on the Test tool and locate the test you wish to take. Once you have located the test, click on the Start button.


As we conclude this guide to navigating Blackboard at SIUE, we want to leave you with a few final thoughts. First and foremost, Blackboard is a powerful tool that can be used to enhance your learning experience. However, it is important to remember that Blackboard is only one part of the equation. In order to be successful, you need to be an active and engaged learner. This means that you need to put in the time and effort to complete your assignments and participate in class discussions. Additionally, you need to be proactive in seeking help when you need it. There are a number of resources available to you, including your professors, the Blackboard Help Center, and the SIUE Writing Center. Finally, we want to remind you to take advantage of all the features Blackboard has to offer. Explore the different tools and features available to you and experiment with different ways of using them. Blackboard is a flexible platform that can be customized to fit your individual needs.

We hope that this guide has been helpful in getting you started with Blackboard. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at the Blackboard Help Center. We are here to help you succeed!


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